Upcoming Events Spring 2025

The crocuses are blooming, the skies are lightening, spring is in the air and metaphorically, so am I.

And as a result, there are some lovely upcoming events, especially if you happen to speak French. (I do not. I apologise in advance for all the bad French that will happen despite this.)

If you are in Brussels March 14th-16th, then so am I! I am delighted to be attending the Brussels Book Fair, where I will be signing books (lots) and having a chat with Nicolas Martin about all things bookish on the 15th. If you are around, please come say bonjour!

A little closer to home, if you are in Chelmsford on April 15th, I’m gonna be having a chat with the wonderful Natasha Pulley, a ridiculously talented writer of so many diverse things. I suspect we’re supposed to be talking about Greeks, as she her latest book is Hymn to Dionysus, but let’s be honest here, the odds are quite high we’re gonna end up ranting about climate fiction too.


Finally, back on the Eurostar and off to France, if you are in Rennes on the 19th and 20th of April… then hello you! I’m gonna at Howling West nattering, signing and generally lowering the tone with my ecclectic Englishness, and am especially excited to be in attendance as I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some of the organisers over recent years and think they are fabulous in every way. It should be a barrel of fun – please come say hello!