Upcoming Events 2024!

Some events, coming up in 2024!
Cardiff! You! Me! The wonderful Jennifer Saint and Rosie Hewlett! Thursday April 11th! Let’s talk Greeks, and the messy, messy things they do, and the messier, stinkier consequences of their actions.
Bonjour Lyon! I am delighted to be a guest at the fabulous Intergalactiques 2024 from April 19th-21st. As always I will be arriving in glamorous style by TGV and deploying my now-famous French (infamous is the actual word), with a possible detour up to Nantes on April 17th and Marseille on April 18th before settling in for a lovely, chatty time. More information as I get it!
On returning from France, happily sated, I assume, on crepes and chocolat chaud, I will be at Goldsboro’s delightfully friendly Fantasy in the Court on April 25th, sharpie poised if required to sign books and my legendary – again, it could be argued the word here is nefarious – small talk skills at the ready.
Birmingham Waterstones has, I think it’s fair to say, one of the best curated Science Fiction and Fantasy sections I have ever seen… as well as one of the nicest events teams going, and it is a pleasure and a treat to be nattering there with Jennifer Saint on Wednesday 26th of June
There are also rumours of other potentially incoming events, including possibly Trafalgar Square and Waterstones Kingston in June… watch this space! (And don’t forget that other crucial event – UK local elections May 2nd! No, I’m not standing or signing books, but as we’re looking at calendars, it’s there, it really matters, don’t forget to bring ID.)