Season of Daffodils

Every year I tend to blog about how beautiful London can be in spring.  Alas, as I write this entry, all of England – not just London – is shrouded in light smog.  A mixture of European and British pollution, combined with dust from the Sahara, means my asthmatic lungs are currently bordering on non-functional.

However!  For the days preceeding this blog, and hopefully in days to come, London has been bursting with cherry blossoms and daffodils.  I’ve blogged about how happy the blossom on the trees make me, but actually, let’s just take this moment to hear it for the plucky daffodil.  Barely a public park, garden patch, community grow box or innocent windowsill has bloomed this spring without a display of daffodil, so much so it’s beginning to look like a weed.  A beautiful, ubiquitous, lovely weed.

Daffodils in London 2014 (4) Daffodils in London 2014 (5) Daffodils in London 2014 (1) Daffodils in London 2014 (2)