My Camera Works!

So, my camera now works!

Or rather, my camera is broken.  I went to the repair shop and asked how much to get it fixed and knock my socks off, it cost as much to buy a new one, as get the old one fixed.  Sigh.

But, on the plus side, I now have a shiny bright new camera, which for the moment I’m keeping in a sock until I find a more sensible solution.

I’ve also been absent for a while, and to celebrate the return of my camera, I figured I’d explain why…

So, I’ve been working around London a bit, and while I am the first person to go travelcard crazy when I get the chance, I still favour walking wherever I can, and in the course of heading south every day towards my job, I sometimes detour via Bunhill Fields, in Moorgate, a cemetery built next to an old plague pit, holding in it alumni such as Daniel Defoe and offering a strange, clustered haven of trees and stone bang smack in the middle of the city.

While we’re on Daniel Defoe, I don’t know what he’d make of this individual, spotted in his original home borough of Stoke Newington, cunningly hidden behind a perpetually parked white van…

To go south of the river, obviously there’s a certain amount of crossing bridges, and let’s just hand it to Southwark Bridge for a moment as being possibly the only bridge on that stretch of water where people go ‘um… now yes… where the hell is Southwark Bridge again??’

Turn left from Southwark Bridge and head towards London Bridge via Clink Street…

Or if you’re not planning on going via London Bridge, then an alternative route to Greenwich could involve changing trains at Canary Wharf, and taking the tunnels beneath the skyscrapers to the DLR through sheltered white paths of shoppers and suits.

… daylight is optional…

But in the event you do stick your nose above ground, you could find yourself surprised by how much greenery there still is in the Isle of Dogs, up to and including your crowds of basketball playing kids on Island Gardens and the city farm at Mudchute.

… before arriving at Greenwich for an evening of theatrical toil!