
So, some few of you may have noticed a certain silence descended over my blog for a while about what I’m actually doing with my life… besides, that is, writing…

And one or two may have noticed that for a period of roughly 12 hours, a blog entry did appear explaining what I was doing, before vanishing again.

And then silence.

Well!  I am here to explain quickly that I can’t actually say what I’ve been doing with the last… oh… seven and a half weeks.  It turns out that the places I’ve been working at – mmmnnn and mnnmnn  – have policies prohibiting discussion of their work.  (Although I can say that after 2 years studying technical theatre I am, in fact, not a spy.  Although, obviously, if I was a spy, I’d still say that, thus leading, arguably, to nothing but confusion.  Which would of course be part of the plan.)  But as this is a universal policy to be applied to all, and as I’d really like to be employed again, I’m afraid I must honour it.  Therefore!  I’m afraid I am in no position to tell you what an absolutely excellent time of things the last seven weeks has been, or of the fantastic things I’ve seen and learnt… or even to heartily recommend that you see mmmnnn and mnnnn. I cannot sing the praises of mmmnnmnmn or suggest that you go to see mm mmnnn for that moment with the 3000W strobe at the end of Act 1.  I can’t tell you how the mmmmn department have absolutely excelled themselves for the end of mmmn’s mnnmn or what a shame it was when the dragon got cut from mnnnmnn.  In no way am I permitted to tell stories of adventures around the fly gallery of mnnmnnn or the secrets of programming in mmmnmnnn.  I cannot tell you of men duelling for all sorts of things in mmmnnn or of high ideals being cut down in mmnnmnn.  I can’t even tell you how many chocolate brownies I ate during the tech of mnnnmnn.  Yeap – there’s no getting round it.  I am gonna have to belt it.   Entirely, utterly and, quite possibly, mistakenly.  But very adverbially.

Although!  It seems to me that, though I have this bubbling authorial indignation at being told to keep schtum and carry on, if nothing else, all of the above is a wonderful, brilliant exercise in that great principal of narrative suspense…

On which note…

Theatre rocks.

And that’s about all I have to say on that.