Merry Christmas!

So it’s that silly time of year again.  Another solar cycle elapsed, another Christian-pagan-Western celebration thingy celebrated, ridiculous amounts of food eaten, presents unwrapped hurrah! and more silly TV watched than the mind can comfortably conceive.  And maybe some singing.  If you’re lucky.  Or unlucky.  Depending on your point of view.

Anyway, despite being a decent not-quite-Jewish-enough atheist, and despite knowing that yes, it’s essentially a commercial binge-fest, I love Christmas.  It’s one giant conspiracy to have, for just one day, as much fun, brotherly love and familial affection, yay, though said affection be manifested in TV box sets and the ritual watching of Dr Who, as is possible.  And all of this seems like an excellent thing.

So, to all you lot out there who may find yourself wandering onto this blog during the ad breaks, or sat at your computer wondering whether that wasn’t a bacon-wrapped cocktail sausage too far…

Merry Christmas!