Circus Space

Claire North News

Yesterday, I went to see a dress rehearsal performance at a place called Circus Space.  And while it has no relevance whatsoever to being a writer, I was so impressed by some of the things the performers – all students – could do, I felt I ought to blog about it.  These were people who casually walked up vertical poles, not to impress, but merely in preparation for an act of such mind-bending acrobatic brilliance my major reaction was ‘good god, you can do that with arms?’  Trapeze, silks, poles, ropes – the whole shabang.  Circus Space is based in Hoxton, right on that place where the shiny, glassy walls of the Corporation of London meet the council estates of South Hackney.  It’s inside what looks like a converted warehouse, huge ceilings covered in rigging material of every kind, and giant open spaces which I imagine, late at night, if you were alone, would become extremely eerie.  Anyhow, if you get a chance, for whatever reason, to see some of their work, I heartily recommend it.